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This is a really beautiful and very rare build from a Joya De Nicaragua cigar box. 


The cigar box guitar is constructed with high quality components


Hardwood neck & reinforcing backstrap - finished with 6 coats of Tru-Oil

Ebony fretboard - dressed with Lemon Oil

Jumbo Van Gent nickel silver frets

CBJ humbucker pickup

500k pots with "orange drop" tone capacitor,

Van Damme shielded hook up wire and Neutrik jack. 

Chicken head style control knobs

Epiphone Deluxe machine heads

Chrome strap buttons

Beautifully finished and a joy to hold and play.

Round core strings from Newtone Strings, 42, 32 & 24 gauge. 

Tuned to GDG but you can change this to anything you fancy!


Please remember our guitars are made from recycled boxes - they may have some slight imperfections but they still look great and play beautifully.


A beautiful genuine cigar box guitar.

Joya De Nicaragua Cinqo Decadas

Out of Stock
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